
Waterfront reaches more individuals with the highest spending power than any other publication, putting it at the forefront of the luxury goods publishing industry.

Having carried out the most detailed profiling research across 1.5million residential addresses and businesses throughout our Cheshire catchment area, Waterfront’s USP provides advertisers with a platform to reach:

  • 22,000 carefully selected homes valued above £500,000 in Wirral, Chester, Merseyside, South Lancashire and Cheshire South Manchester, through the use of Acorn Lifestyle’s geo-demographical tools, ‘Street Value’ data, coupled with Land Registry and Census information.
  • 8,000 top businesses from around the region.
  • UK airport and Virgin Trains VIP lounges including Emirates and American Airlines.
  • Premiership Football executive lounges and training grounds of all of the Clubs in the North West, including Manchester United, Manchester City, Liverpool and Everton.
  • Exclusive hotels and restaurants across the UK and Europe.
  • Over 100,000 readership.
  • Over 15,000 monthly visitors online at our greatly received website.

Its caliber is matched through its advertisers and editorial which is composed of a strong fold of award winning internationally recognised writers and contributors specialising in a plethora of sectors synonymous of Waterfront’s well-heeled readership.



For further details, please call or email Phil Harris on 0333 900 3000 or


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